The Committee on Standards, STC-01, will select up to five newly completed standards projects annually for committee recognition of major contributions to the development or revision of a specific ASABE standard. All new or revised standards developed since the publication of the last available standards CD are eligible and will be ranked by effort expended by the development committee as well as expected benefits to ASABE members and end users of the standard or product standardized.

Chairs of the originating committee for a standard should consider providing documentation to assist STC-01 in determining the significant attributes of the standard(s) published by their membership.    

The outline below is used to submit nomination(s) to ASABE staff.

Nominations must be submitted by March 1 to be considered for recognition at the next annual international meeting.

The top standards will receive formal recognition at the annual international meeting. The project lead or other representative of the development committee for the standards project will receive the recognition on behalf of the committee.

Outline: To be completed at the time of ASABE adoption of new standards or major revisions to existing standards. The complete report should not exceed two written pages.

I. Identification:
      A. Standard Number, name, and whether newly developed or revised;
      B. Developing committee.

II.     Project details:
      A. Key contributors to the development of the standard.
      B. Brief timeline of the project.
      C. Description of industry involvement, collaboration with other committees or organizations, and other outreach.
      D. Other

III.    Standard Information
      A. Importance of standard (to industry, public, ASABE technical communities, engineers, ANSI, ISO, etc.)
      B. Other

IV.    Submissions
      A. All submissions should be provided in editable format as they may be used to develop award language should the project be selected.

Submission Deadline: March 1

Past Award Recipients