
As a technical and educational organization, ASABE is a leading source of  information for and about professionals worldwide who advance agricultural, food, and biological systems through innovative engineering and technology.

In addition to being a resource for technical information, ASABE strives to keep members informed of policy and legislative issues affecting their professional interests. In turn, the deep expertise of ASABE members forms the foundation of Society commentary and position statements critical to the development of sound public policy and legislation.

E-07, Issues Management & Social Action Committee

E-O7, the Issues Management & Social Action Committee, exists to identify issues that are of concern to and within the expertise of the membership of ASABE. Equally important, the committee endeavors to support ASABE as a professional engineering society, and its members as individuals, in placing concern for human welfare in highest importance in the implementation of technical developments.

E-07 engages in several specific activities to obtain these objectives. First, the committee promotes publication of position papers that show how agricultural and biological engineering is involved in various issues of social concern such as safety, standards, manpower, housing, environment, chemicals, wastes, rural development, and others. E-07 develops mechanisms that encourage individual ASABE members to consider the long-term implications of their work in terms of public benefit.

In addition, the committee studies the posture of the Society in relation to issues of professional and social responsibility and identifies, for the Board of Trustees, policies that are in harmony with contemporary needs and problems.

Finally, the committee promotes public awareness that ASABE maintains continuous concern for human and environmental values as these may be influenced by professional activities of its members. 

ASABE members interested in becoming involved with the important work of E-07 are invited to contact the staff liaison, Dolores Landeck, for further information.